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The Mathematics program of study is designed to develop deep mathematical understanding and fluency, logical reasoning, analytical thought, creative thinking and communication skills. Students actively investigate problems and find solutions. Throughout the course of their 8–12 Mathematics experience, they will develop a willingness to take risks, experiment, and make logical guesses. Students will experience both success and failure, ultimately learning perseverance while developing confidence and competency in mathematics. 

Mathematics 9 

Mathematics 9 continues the development of computational fluency and flexibility with numbers, extends numerical operations into algebraic situations, explores linear relations through patterns and generalizations, and extends proportional thinking.  


All students must successfully complete a Mathematics 10 course, and a Mathematics 11 or Mathematics 12 course for graduation in British Columbia. Most universities and colleges require at least a mathematics 11 course for entrance, but not all mathematics courses will be accepted as entrance requirements. Check individual university and college entrance requirements to be sure which specific course is required. 


All students must write a Graduation Numeracy Assessment in order to meet graduation requirements. This assessment is not tied to a specific mathematics course. Rather, it evaluates a student’s numeracy skills developed over the course of their education.  


Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10 

This course has a strong focus on the further development of algebraic thinking. There will be a focus on proportional comparisons, extending mathematical operations to algebraic expressions, linear relations and rate of change, and analyzing data.  

This course will lead to either Foundations of Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus 11. 


Workplace Mathematics 10 

The intention of this course is to offer students an opportunity to gain confidence with their number fluency and ability to solve mathematical problems. This course is recommended for students who are planning on entering the workforce directly after high school. The focus will be on proportional comparisons, number operations, modelling relationships through graphical representations, exploring angle relations, and analyzing data.   

**This course satisfies the Ministry of Education’s mathematics graduation requirements but may not be accepted as a prerequisite for post-secondary programs. Students looking into post-secondary options should check their program requirements.

Foundations of Mathematics 11 

This course will introduce students to a variety of mathematical ideas, with a focus on the concrete rather than the abstract. Topics will include proportional comparisons, quadratic functions, logical reasoning, geometry, and statistical analysis. Students will explore using mathematics to learn more about the world around us.  

This course is recommended for students intending on pursuing post-secondary studies in the humanities. This courses leads to Foundations of Mathematics 12.  

History of Mathematics 11 

Students will develop mathematical thinking through the exploration of global mathematical problems while learning about the people who have helped shape mathematics throughout the ages. This course will focus on problem solving and inquiry and will aim to develop students’ curiosity about mathematics and the world around us.  

Pre-Calculus 11 

This course extends the development of algebraic thinking into an understanding of functions and provides further study of operations on algebraic expressions and equations. The study of trigonometry is extended from right triangles to angles in any triangle.  

This course is recommended for students who are planning on pursuing post-secondary studies in STEM courses (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). This course leads to Pre-Calculus 12.  

Workplace Mathematics 11 

This course is recommended for students who are planning on entering the workforce directly after high school. Topics will include proportional reasoning and scale diagrams, financial literacy, spatial relationships and statistical analysis.  

This course satisfies the Ministry of Education’s mathematics graduation requirements but may not be accepted as a prerequisite for post-secondary programs. Students looking into post-secondary options should check their program requirements.   

Foundations of Mathematics 12 

This course is a survey of different branches of mathematics including combinatorics, probability, data modelling and regression, logical reasoning, and spatial thinking, with a focus on using mathematics to learn more about the world around us.  

This is a course for students who do not intend to study Calculus in a postsecondary institution, though it is recommended for students who have a keen interest in mathematics and who want to explore some of the many branches of mathematics that are not addressed in Pre-Calculus. 

Pre-Calculus 12 

This is a challenging course that relies on students having a strong foundation in algebraic thinking. Algebraic (polynomial functions, radical functions, reciprocal functions) and transcendental  (exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric) functions and equations will be explored in depth, with a focus on characteristics of functions, inverse relationships, and transformations. 

This is a course for students who are interested in extending their mathematical thinking and are considering further study in STEM courses (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in post-secondary. It is recommended that students intending on enrolling in Calculus 12 take this course. 

Calculus 12 

Calculus 12 is an academic course intended to prepare students for post-secondary studies in STEM courses (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Concepts covered will include limits, continuity, instantaneous rate of change, the derivative, and integration.  

It is recommended that students complete Pre-Calculus 12 prior to Calculus 12.  

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